Well, who is Denzil?

What people say about us


“Denzil’s knowledge and passion for phytopharmaceuticals across the globe is exceptional. Over his extensive career he has teamed up with other talented professionals who share his passion for this sector. He has such a great ‘can do’ attitude no matter how challenging something might be. He often reminds me of Sherlock Holmes in that he will investigate every avenue, every possibility and every detail to make sure that he obtains the best outcome for his clients and his colleagues. It is always a pleasure to work with Denzil, his enthusiasm is truly infectious and I look forward to working with him for many more years to come.”

Greer, GRS, Cambridge, UK

“I’ve known Denzil for more than 25 years and go to him for two things - to find a source for rare and crazy botanicals which could be anywhere from the date line of the globe all the way round and back - Vanuatu ... Indonesia ... Somalia ... Ghana ... Chile ... Vietnam. The other important reason I meet Denzil is to share a glass of fine wine !!! I think I prefer the second reason. He is a jolly good fellow.”

Philip, Indfrag Biosciences, Bangalore , India

“When you plant seeds in the garden, you do not dig them every day to see if they have sprouted yet. You simply water them, clear away the weeds and you know the seeds will grow in time. Seeds of my association with Denzil were planted over 30 years ago. The association has turned in to close friendship over our years of working together on many projects. Our friendship is like a two-way support. You support the other, the other supports you. And then there is need for knowledge; who better to learn from than Denzil?”

Naeem, SterlingPharma, Manchester, UK

“"I met Denzil over 25 years ago and we have been friends ,partners, and colleagues ever since. When it comes to natural products, there are those peoples out there who know a little about a lot and then there is Denzil Phillips, who knows a lot about a lot and on top of that, Denzil has travelled wide and far and accumulated local knowledge and established relationships that are second to none.”

Billy, Shenven, Baltimore, USA

“Over the decades, I’ve collaborated with Denzil on several medicinal plant and herbal product projects, for nature conservation NGOs and UN agencies, as well as for selected innovative private companies. Denzil always assembles a competent team of experts, fit the purpose of the project.”

Josef, Traditional Medicinals, California, USA


“Denzil is the kind of man who lights up a room. He brings together an extraordinary array of field experience and projects with his ability to light a fire in others to believe in themselves. This combination makes him an effective trend setter and someone to follow.”

Billy, Shenven, Baltimore, USA


“Oh my Lord - what a challenge and what a responsibility! I am going to have to "murgulate" on this seriously before I attempt to write a dossier, but will try and action before December 25th. Your dear everlasting, everliving friend.”

Anjanette , APRC, Vermont, USA